Tuesday 13 May 2014

Canada Federal Skilled Worker Program 2014

Canada Federal Skilled Worker Program provides new caps and jobs for applicants under different categories including healthcare professionals, managers, financial professionals, technicians, engineers.

Canada FSWP Requirements:

Below are few key requirements for Canada Federal Skilled Worker Program 2014
•    Minimum one year of work experience in any one occupation is required
•    Applicant’s age
•    Language proficiency in English or French
•    Higher educational qualifications
•    Spouse education, language ability & employment experience
•    Adaptableness to Canadian society

Canada FSW benefits:

Below are key benefits from Canada FSW.
•    The applicant will be granted Canadian Permanent Residency
•    It allows you to reside, work, travel, study Canada
•    You will have unlimited access to job market
•    Qualified for few social security benefits
•    Allows your family to accompany you
•    Same rights, treatment and protection as Canadian nationals

Considering all the above mentioned features and benefits of the Canada FSW program, it is not a good idea to miss out on this opportunity. So don’t let it pass and apply now. MoreVisas is one of the best immigration consultancies and we are here to help and guide you with the application process. Contact us and fulfill your dream of Canada migration by filling up MoreVisas Enquiry Form. also want to know about Denmark country, want to visit there click on Denmark Visit Visa.

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